keskiviikko 29. kesäkuuta 2011
Ice ice baby...
It's SO hot in Finland right now. Today they even told people to keep the children inside because the UV ray levels are very high. I don't tan very easily, and when I do try to tan myself I get burned easily - so today I've opted to stay inside like the children :D (oh, not my children by the way, just meaning - all children everywhere).
Anyways..when it's hot the best thing to do is to drink lots of water and eat >> ICE CREAM! What's your favorite ice cream flavour?
torstai 16. kesäkuuta 2011
Can I getta hoot hoot?
Oikein hyvää kesänalkua kaikille! Toivottavasti kesälomanne (tai kesätyönne) on ollut tähän asti oikein mukava. Kohtahan on jo juhannus ja sen jälkeen ihana heinäkuu. Ainakin luulisi heinä- ja elokuun olevan lämpimämpi kuin kesäkuun. Tosin, itse pidän tällaisesta suomen perus-kesäsäästä. Ne viikonloppuhelteet ovat aika tuskaisia >.<
Nyt on tullut keskityttyä enemmän uusintatentteihin lukemiseen ja töiden tekoon. En ole siis ehtinyt tekemään moniakaan polymer clay-miniatyyrejä vähään aikaan. Tänään kuitenkin tein muun muassa nuo yllä olevat pöllökaverukset. Yksinkertainen design - hyvin suomalaista ;)!
maanantai 13. kesäkuuta 2011
I love chocolate!
Yes I do :)
So, I visited tallinn this weekend. It was a lot of fun! Also, because we're young and stupid, but I won't go into details about that. This past weekend in Finland was very warm! The sun was shining and it was extremely hot. Today it has been raining & we've had some thunderstorms here.
What are your summer plans? What do you LOVE to do during the summer??? (or winter if you're in Australia)
So, I visited tallinn this weekend. It was a lot of fun! Also, because we're young and stupid, but I won't go into details about that. This past weekend in Finland was very warm! The sun was shining and it was extremely hot. Today it has been raining & we've had some thunderstorms here.
What are your summer plans? What do you LOVE to do during the summer??? (or winter if you're in Australia)
torstai 2. kesäkuuta 2011
Sunday breakfast

So, eggs & bacon above (handmade miniatures of Polymer Clay). As a kid it was that sort of a "little treat" sunday breakfast couple of times a year when my dad cooked us some yummylicious bacon and eggs. Not a very usual breakfast in Finland, you know. But we sometimes wanted to be "american", haha.
Well, got to go & sleep now! Work day tomorrow.
polymer clay
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