As in my previous "comissioned charms" -post, I also was comissioned to make quite a lot of famous people and characters (as well as some more personal orders). Fun, fun, fun! Here's just a few of what I made.
Black Veiled Brides is an american rock band. Actually, I hadn't heard of them before I was comissioned to create them. But I instantly LOVED their appearance and couldn't wait to start on this challenge.
Ex-Beatles member Paul McCartney (and his famous guitar) were another challenge.
..and then there were Wayne & Garth from "Wayne's World". Got to love the nostalgy!
tiistai 27. joulukuuta 2011
maanantai 19. joulukuuta 2011
Comissioned Charms
Gingerbread men, earrings, handmade of polymer clay
A few months ago I decided to have comissions open again (meaning: letting people contact me if they wanted me to make a certain sculpture/charm for them - I don't always have time for custom orders you know :P).
Here's just a few of what I made.
Above: Tiny toothbrush & tooth charms. These were so much fun to make! Below: Two pug charms. Another "new one" for me, as I've never really made any dog charms of a certain breed before.
maanantai 12. joulukuuta 2011
Handmade of Polymer Clay
I made a tiny little Reindeer. It doesn't feel like christmas in Finland yet.. there's no snow. There might not be snow on christmas this year >.< !!!
maanantai 31. lokakuuta 2011
This is HALLOWEEN...
I hope you will have an awesome Halloween! These are something I whipped up (actually) a month ago or so. I always do things ahead of time. Like.. right now I am totally thinking about making christmas related ornaments and miniatures :P I can't help it! I live in the future. I should try learn to live more in the moment.
Boys and girls of every age
Wouldn't you like to see something strange?
Come with us and you will see
This, our town of Halloween
keskiviikko 12. lokakuuta 2011
Muscles Glasses
Don't know who this is? You should. It might not be as big of an internet phenomenon as the Nyan Cat or Hatsune Miku... but EpicMealTime is pretty epic. And so is Muscles Glasses.I felt very tempted to wrap him in BACON STRIPS, but didn't. Instead... I just chucked him in the oven (and I'm sure he is aching inside as I placed him next to some adorable "giant" marshmallows).
Instead of clay, you could re-make him out of..lets say.. marzipan. Now that would be an epic meal time ;)
muscles glasses,
polymer clay
torstai 6. lokakuuta 2011
Nyan, nyan, nyan!
Oh no I didn't! Well I SURE DID! I made a Nyan Cat. I got sooooo many requests that..well.. I finally gave in. It was actually a lot of fun making this. I got to use soooo many colors (mainly because of the rainbow).It's actually quite interesting how a "poptart cat" can become such an internet phenomenon. In case you've been living under a rock and don't know WHAT the Nyan Cat is.. check out the video here (warning: highly addicting & annoying).
torstai 29. syyskuuta 2011
Life's short - eat cake!
I made some polymer clay cakes today (tutorials coming soon too on YT). I think this was the first time (at least in a long time) since I've made a "cheesecake" type of a cake (the one above). Looks really nice!A basic chocolate layer cake, yum, yum. Anyways, it was my birthday last week so it's good to eat something special on your b-day. Though, I didn't actually eat cake - I ate a doughnut, haha.
perjantai 2. syyskuuta 2011
Pumkin pie
On aika syksyn ja sadonkorjuun... Syyskuu on täällä! Minulle se tarkoittaa koulun jatkumista, töiden & koulun välillä tasapainoilua, synttäreitä ja... no. Syksy on kaikessa stressaavuudessaan ja ankeudessaan lempivuodenaikani!
tiistai 30. elokuuta 2011
torstai 18. elokuuta 2011
Black Forest Cherry Cake
torstai 4. elokuuta 2011
Snakes on the plane!
torstai 28. heinäkuuta 2011
Hatsune Miku
Hatsune Miku on Vocaloid hahmo. En sinäänsä ole vocaloid, anime, manga tms. fani mutta Vocaloidiin tutustuin siten, että lemppari jrock-laulajani GACKTIN ääni ohjelmoitiin Vocaloid-ohjelmaksi viime vuonna. Itse asiassa herra piti myös kilpailun, jossa kaksi fanien äänittämää ja luomaa vocaloid-biisiä Gackt lupasi äänittää itse. Uusin single Episode.0 onkin juuri vocaloid-ohjelmasta lähtöisin oleva fanin tekemä biisi.Miniatyyri on tehty käsin polymer clay-massasta. Aikaa kului n. 20minuuttia alusta loppuun :) Pätkitty video löytyy täältä.
maanantai 25. heinäkuuta 2011
keskiviikko 20. heinäkuuta 2011
perjantai 15. heinäkuuta 2011
Awhile ago I decided to make a miniature out of Bubz (bubzbeauty on YouTube) and her adorable puppy Chubz/Chubby :P
Handmade of polymer clay.
Handmade of polymer clay.
perjantai 8. heinäkuuta 2011
keskiviikko 29. kesäkuuta 2011
Ice ice baby...
It's SO hot in Finland right now. Today they even told people to keep the children inside because the UV ray levels are very high. I don't tan very easily, and when I do try to tan myself I get burned easily - so today I've opted to stay inside like the children :D (oh, not my children by the way, just meaning - all children everywhere).
Anyways..when it's hot the best thing to do is to drink lots of water and eat >> ICE CREAM! What's your favorite ice cream flavour?
torstai 16. kesäkuuta 2011
Can I getta hoot hoot?
Oikein hyvää kesänalkua kaikille! Toivottavasti kesälomanne (tai kesätyönne) on ollut tähän asti oikein mukava. Kohtahan on jo juhannus ja sen jälkeen ihana heinäkuu. Ainakin luulisi heinä- ja elokuun olevan lämpimämpi kuin kesäkuun. Tosin, itse pidän tällaisesta suomen perus-kesäsäästä. Ne viikonloppuhelteet ovat aika tuskaisia >.<
Nyt on tullut keskityttyä enemmän uusintatentteihin lukemiseen ja töiden tekoon. En ole siis ehtinyt tekemään moniakaan polymer clay-miniatyyrejä vähään aikaan. Tänään kuitenkin tein muun muassa nuo yllä olevat pöllökaverukset. Yksinkertainen design - hyvin suomalaista ;)!
maanantai 13. kesäkuuta 2011
I love chocolate!
Yes I do :)
So, I visited tallinn this weekend. It was a lot of fun! Also, because we're young and stupid, but I won't go into details about that. This past weekend in Finland was very warm! The sun was shining and it was extremely hot. Today it has been raining & we've had some thunderstorms here.
What are your summer plans? What do you LOVE to do during the summer??? (or winter if you're in Australia)
So, I visited tallinn this weekend. It was a lot of fun! Also, because we're young and stupid, but I won't go into details about that. This past weekend in Finland was very warm! The sun was shining and it was extremely hot. Today it has been raining & we've had some thunderstorms here.
What are your summer plans? What do you LOVE to do during the summer??? (or winter if you're in Australia)
torstai 2. kesäkuuta 2011
Sunday breakfast
Today totally feels like SUNDAY (although it is thursday). You see, today was a holiday in Finland so we all had the day off from work/school and we're going back tomorrow (on friday). So friday will feel like monday..aaand then it's the WEEKEND. Having holidays in the middle of the week confuses my head >.<
So, eggs & bacon above (handmade miniatures of Polymer Clay). As a kid it was that sort of a "little treat" sunday breakfast couple of times a year when my dad cooked us some yummylicious bacon and eggs. Not a very usual breakfast in Finland, you know. But we sometimes wanted to be "american", haha.
Well, got to go & sleep now! Work day tomorrow.
So, eggs & bacon above (handmade miniatures of Polymer Clay). As a kid it was that sort of a "little treat" sunday breakfast couple of times a year when my dad cooked us some yummylicious bacon and eggs. Not a very usual breakfast in Finland, you know. But we sometimes wanted to be "american", haha.
Well, got to go & sleep now! Work day tomorrow.
polymer clay
lauantai 14. toukokuuta 2011
Plate of Goodness
Nam, nam! Jospa nämä vain olisivat oikeita. Pidämme kaverin kanssa euroviisufinaali kisastudiota tänään ja siihen liittyy tietenkin oleellisena osana ruoka. Suunnitelmissa on kyllä valmistaa ihan kunnon ateria salaatteineen, mutta saattaa siinä illan mittaan popsia vähän muitakin herkkuja kuten Filipinos-keksejä.
Enpä tiedä seuraako tätä blogia kukaan "täysi-ikäinen", mutta lempparivalkoviinini on ehdottomasti J. P. Chenet Blanc Medium Sweet. Se sopii hyvin ruoanlaiton seuraksi ;) Tosin ei noita viinejä ole kauheasti tullut maisteltua, niin en paremmasta tiedä. Ehkä joskus löytyy joku vielä parempi.
Ömm, hömm. Niin, ne euroviisut. Vaikea veikata voittajaa, sillä viime vuonna veikkasin ihan pieleen. En tykännyt Saksan voittobiisistä tipan tippaa! Tänä vuonna toivon voittoa Suomelle, Ruotsille, Britannialle tai vaikkapa Irlannille, hehe. Saa nähdä miten käy.
Enpä tiedä seuraako tätä blogia kukaan "täysi-ikäinen", mutta lempparivalkoviinini on ehdottomasti J. P. Chenet Blanc Medium Sweet. Se sopii hyvin ruoanlaiton seuraksi ;) Tosin ei noita viinejä ole kauheasti tullut maisteltua, niin en paremmasta tiedä. Ehkä joskus löytyy joku vielä parempi.
Ömm, hömm. Niin, ne euroviisut. Vaikea veikata voittajaa, sillä viime vuonna veikkasin ihan pieleen. En tykännyt Saksan voittobiisistä tipan tippaa! Tänä vuonna toivon voittoa Suomelle, Ruotsille, Britannialle tai vaikkapa Irlannille, hehe. Saa nähdä miten käy.
maanantai 2. toukokuuta 2011
People say this Android character is sooo adorable. Now I wonder if iPad had a "mascot", would they sell even more iPads and iPhones? :PNot to mention Nokia! It needs to become more teen-friendly with the phone models and features. I've always owned a Nokia phone, and always used a Windows PC. Sure I've tried MAC but have never owned one.Does anyone remember Linux & the mascot called Tux anymore? :) Ah, ok, geekiness be gone.
polymer clay
tiistai 26. huhtikuuta 2011
Cartoon characters
Coraline (above). I remember wanting to see this movie but.. didn't. And then when I quit my job at a video store I bought myself a set of tree discount films, one of which was this one. I'm glad that I actually DID love the film after watching the dvd. Such an interesting story..and kind of scary too.
Despicable me is such a cute movie! Agnes is totally adorable, and so are the minions. Have you noticed how in every animated childrens' movie there has to be that cute&wacky character? Like in "Horton hears a Who" it's Katie. Haha. She's adorable too. And in Ice Age there's the squirrel.
Despicable me is such a cute movie! Agnes is totally adorable, and so are the minions. Have you noticed how in every animated childrens' movie there has to be that cute&wacky character? Like in "Horton hears a Who" it's Katie. Haha. She's adorable too. And in Ice Age there's the squirrel.
despicable me,
polymer clay
maanantai 28. maaliskuuta 2011
Cakes & Bubble Tea
Joku ehdotti porkkanakakkuminiatyyrin tekemistä ja niinpä otin haasteen vastaan. Käytin kakkukerrosten välissä nestemäistä massaa ja tämän seurauksena työstä tuli aika sottainen. Ehkäpä yritän joskus uudestaan ja käytän kiinteää valkoista polymer clay-massaa.
Toinen mitä on ehdotettu jo pitkään on ns. "bubble tea". Siis eräänlainen juoma, missä on pohjalla tapioca-palloja. Onko kukaan koskaan maistanut tätä? Tuskin niitä suomesta saa, vaikka olisi hauska koittaa tehdä itse.
perjantai 18. maaliskuuta 2011
Cookies for Everyone!
Cookies here, cookies there, cookies cookies everywhere! Well, yesterday I baked some real chocolate chip cookies. I mean, don't get me wrong I love making these sort of fancy looking miniature cookies, but if they were real, they wouldn't taste very good. I'm not a big fan of frosting or anything like that - it's basically just sugar >.< Heart cookies! These were made during February and Valentines Day. But march is a good time for heart cookies too, neh? Spring time & love is in the air, right, right ;)
Well, anyways. Have a great weekend everybody! I'm going to just relax and (also) do some school work. Though, "The Road to El Dorado" is on TV tomorrow so I'm going to watch that :)
Well, anyways. Have a great weekend everybody! I'm going to just relax and (also) do some school work. Though, "The Road to El Dorado" is on TV tomorrow so I'm going to watch that :)
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