Sori, Kirjoitan tämän entryn englanniksi :)

A package arrived today. I looove getting packages. Especially if it's somewhat of a surprise (a.k.a. not something that I have ordered from an online store, though those are fun to get too!) I got a package from a friend who lives in Israel.
Such a beautiful painting!I just have to say a HUGE thank you to all of my friends all over the world who keep
feeding me ^-^! Lovely
Johanna sent me some cool bear shaped chips and other israeli snacks. I can't wait to try them all out! (and hopefully I won't get too addiced because it might be impossible to find any more unless I beg her to send me more :P!!)

And would you just look at that adorable notebook/diary! Bunnies!!!! And the Hello Kitty tin jar with hebrew writing on it. Wanna take a look inside...?

Polymer Clay crafts, so beautiful! Somehow I find it more fun to use cellphone charms and things that OTHERS have made (and not me) on my phone. I think the metal charm with the blue jewel is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, it's so...
ME =)!
Thank you Johanna!!!